Dear customer/client,
We as PiGen vof care very much about your privacy. That is why we handle your personal data as name, address, telephone number and e-mail address with the utmost care.
When purchasing genetic tests and certificates through our services, we collect personal data to be able to send you results, certificates and invoices. We only use these data for these purposes and we never communicate these data to others except for purposes directly related to these services which is invoicing, accounting and government fiscal control. For practical purposes about DNA results there can be communication with f.e. an auctioneer of pigeons in your possession, but this is always a contact that was already in possession of your personal data him/herself before soliciting for our services.
Your personal data collected by PiGen vof are protected by using a unique username and password, determined by yourself. As an existing client you can always change these data and password by logging in on our website by means of your username, password or change your settings by means of your e-mail address. A new client can register and create a new username and password.
At all times at your written request we can erase your personal data. Be aware that the pigeons in your ownership will also not be linked anymore with your data when these data were erased.
We protect your personal data with the utmost care by doing everything we can to avoid any kind of leak digitally or others. When there should happen a leak of personal data, we will let you know about this by e-mail.
For advertising purposes f.e. for famous racing pigeons with special gene combinations it is possible to mention one of your personal data when you as a client explicitly request us to mention this and have done so yourself in other adverts.
Thank you for your confidence,
PiGen vof